Don’t Buy into the Negativity

Change is hard. There are a lot of feelings that come with change. Some people are nostalgic, holding on to the things they’ve always done. While others are uncomfortable not knowing the outcome of the change, choosing to stick with “the devil you know.” Whatever the reason, these oppositions can manifest as negativity. That’s what makes being an agent of change so hard. Rather than looking at the merits of an idea, people find a way to place an unreasonable burden on the person suggesting the change. Often demanding they prove why the idea they are moving away from is flawed, knowing full well they will never agree with any argument presented. I’m all for debate, if the challenge is genuine in nature and looking to advance the conversation. We don’t have to agree. In fact, we shouldn’t agree on everything. There is no one right answer or magic bullet that will fix any situation. But what we do have to do is respect each other. We all can start from one common place, we want what we think is in the best interest of students. I have not encountered an educator that thinks the choices they are making, whether I agree with those choices or not, are not for the benefit of their students. Although it is easy to be an armchair quarterback, dissecting and criticizing the ideas and creations of others, resist that temptation. The process of creating takes courage. You lay your ideas bare for the world to judge. But remember, every great idea and innovation was a crazy thought at its inception. So don’t buy into the negativity. Keep creating and sharing. We’ve got your back.

In this space, we will be presenting various points of view on many educational topics. It is our hope that you engage with these topics and help us grow as a learning community. Share your ideas. Challenge what isn’t clear. Move the discussion forward. You can expect a new post from me the 1st of every month and a new post from Elise on the 15th.