
Latest Past Events

NSTA National Conference 2024

Colorado Convention Center 700 14th St., Denver

Elise will be at the Denver conference, presenting the following workshops: Embracing Growth & Creativity Thursday 1 - 2 pm Mile High Ballroom 1B Revitalizing Your Rubrics Thursday 2:20 - 3:20 pm Mile High Ballroom 4A Assessment 3.0 Friday 1 - 2 pm Mineral Hall B Elise will also be helping out at the KidWind […]

NSTA National Conference

Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, Atlanta

Dave and I will be leading 6 different presentations over the 3 day conference. Please find us and say hi! Supporting Equitable Classroom Practice Assessment 3.0: Introducing The Learning Progression Model. Thursday, 3/23 at 1 PM in Room B312 “Using Feedback” how to get students to actually read feedback in order to improve and grow. […]

Individual Feedback on Learning Progressions

Stanform North Auditorium Berkeley, CA, USA, Los Angles

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