Putting the Learning Progression Model into Action

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The primary purpose of this course is to explain how the Learning Progression Method is implemented, with special focus on the logistics of “grading”. Who will benefit from this? Parents, students, teachers, administrators, and academics. Perhaps you are a teacher trying to develop a new strategy, or maybe you are a parent who has a child in an “ungraded” classroom. You may have come across the book Going Gradeless, or been part of the Ungrading movement. While there are as many varieties of ungrading as there are teachers, there are many similarities between all of them. In this course “Putting the Learning Progression Method into Action”, I will explain why we do this, then what the main components are. A significant portion is devoted to grading and the implementation of the strategy in a traditional school system. For those of you seeking information on how to create a Learning Progression, please register for “The Essentials of the Learning Progression Model” instead.

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