NSTA National Conference

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NSTA National Conference

I will be leading 6 different presentations over the 3 day conference. Please find us and say hi!

  1. Supporting Equitable Classroom Practice
  2. Assessment 3.0: Introducing The Learning Progression Model. Thursday, 3/23 at 1 PM in Room B312
  3. “Using Feedback” how to get students to actually read feedback in order to improve and grow. Friday 3/24 at 4PM in Room B303
  4. “Content is the vehicle, not the destination.” Poster Session, Saturday 3/25 at noon.
  5. How to assess the NGSS practices
  6. A Practice vs. practice…how to develop and assess skills, and Ditching grades not accountability.

We hope to see you there!

(Times and Rooms subject to change, please check the conference schedule!)


Nahuel Qillaq

Functional Programming

Nita Rayen

Object Oriented Programming

Wapasha Ujarak

Front End Technology
  • Price

  • Start Date

    March 23, 2023

  • Start Time

    12:00 am

  • End Date

    March 25, 2023
